“IDTechEx visited Grenoble recently, which has a particularly large concentration of companies working on organic, printed and/or flexible electronics in France. One of those is start-up NikkoIA, aiming to exploit the huge development in materials for displays and photovoltaics by using them as optical sensors.
OPE Journal – Organic life savers
OPE Journal – Magazine for Organic & Printed Electronics. June 2013.
“Organic life savers” – NikkoIA is featured in OPE Journal’s focus on printed and organic electronics applications in Automotive, especially for ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) applications.
“NikkoIA voit tout.” (NikkoIA sees everything)
NikkoIA is selected among the “20 start-up at the top” selected by the french national magazine l’Usine Nouvelle in its “Special Innovation” edition, following the results of the 2011 National Contest for the Creation of Innovative Companies organized by the French Ministry of Research in cooperation with OSEO.